Locations and Directions

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

1402 Jones St
Suite 115
Omaha, NE 68102
Inside Elevator

Do CPR in Omaha is located inside of Elevator, a co-work and co-warehouse space.
To access the classroom, please park on Jones Street and use the entrance directly across the street from the new Omaha Public Library.

Ankeny, Iowa

1255 N Ankeny Blvd, Suite 101
Ankeny, IA 50023
Inside Little White Schoolhouse

Do CPR in Ankeny, Iowa (Des Moines Metro) is located inside of the Little White Scholhouse. This is a grey building right next to Christian Brothers Automotive and First National Bank. We’re in suite 101 which is the closest door to N Ankeny Blvd. *The building has been painted grey since this picture has been taken.

North Liberty, Iowa

215 HWY 965 Suite 1
North Liberty, Iowa 52317

Do CPR in North Liberty, Iowa (Cedar Rapids/Iowa City) is located at IC CoLab North Liberty. The building is set back off of the road and is a black building with a large “IC CoLab” sign. Please enter through the unlocked front door and proceed to the conference room.

Some mapping applications route you to the wrong location. Google Maps seems to be the best to use if possible. If you’re having trouble, try to enter “Wig & Pen Pizza North Liberty” into your mapping application. This restaurant is just east of the class location.